A newborn child is a wonder

Every newborn is a wonder, holding nothing less than the magic of creation. Considering the child merely as an extension of oneself, burdened with fulfilling personal thoughts and ambitions, is a mistake. Have you ever pondered how different you might be if raised in an entirely distinct environment and faced with diverse situations? Would you remain the same? If external influences shape who you are, then who truly are you?
Raising a child to be independent of external forces and enabling them to discover their true self and talents amid these influences is an art.
Every new innovation or invention was once a strange concept. Embrace your child’s mistakes and faults, seeking patterns or messages within them, as they often convey something significant about the child.
Consider Laszlo Polgar, who conducted an educational experiment with his two children to demonstrate that early, specialized training could lead to exceptional achievements. He successfully proved this by raising his daughters to become chess champions. You can read their story here: [Chess Biography: The Polgar Sisters](https://chesswizards.com/buzz/Chess-biography-the-Polgar-sisters/).
If this experiment proves that we can raise a genius, then what is the best way to raise a child? Perhaps it involves exposing them to various life experiences, encompassing both richness and poorness, confidence and doubt, life and death and more. Not as a forceful imposition, but by providing opportunities and then allowing the child to decide their path after showing them the breadth of possibilities.
Embrace the child’s differences and flaws. They are not replicas of existing mediocrity, but rather unique possibilities that may, at times, be challenging for you to accept.